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AutumnAzn GM App

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AutumnAzn GM App Empty AutumnAzn GM App

Post by AutumnAzn Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:48 pm

Application Type : GM

◘•Personal Information
◘•Name : Kevin Zhang
◘•Age : 18
◘•Birthday : August 19, 1990
◘•Location : California
◘•Time Zone : Pacific Time

Server Information
◘•Experience GM : Yes
◘•What server do you play (GM) : Dracostory, Finalstory
◘•What server do you play (Player) : SupaCrew MS
◘•Will you take full responsible of what happens to the server? : Yes
◘•Will you accept your punishment if you do not follow the rules? : Yes

Reason Question
◘•If you don't understand a player what will you do? : I will ask him to explain more clearly and try another way to communicate
◘•If a person speaks a different language, what will you do?; I would try to get another person who knows the language
◘•If Someone asked you if they can be a GM what will you do?: Tell them to put up a GM app
◘•If some people are fighting are you going to : Firstly, I would tell them to stop. If they continue, I will give them a warning by telling them i will jail for 10 min. If they continue, I will jail them. If they still fight, I will warn them by telling them I will ban them. If they continue, i will ban. My reason is that if you cannot even listen to a GM's directions, you shouldn't even be allowed to play in the server.


Posts : 1
FP : 3
Fame : 0
Join date : 2009-06-05

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