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noodles GM application

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noodles GM application Empty noodles GM application

Post by noodles142 Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:27 pm

Application Type : (Co-Owner or GM) GM

Personal Information
◘•Name : Chris Zdebiak
◘•Age : 15
◘•Birthday : august,16ht/1993
◘•Location : canada, edmonton
◘•Time Zone : standard mountain time

Server Information
◘•Experience GM : Yes Or No no
◘•What server do you play (GM) :
◘•What server do you play (Player) : RydahMS, NightSoulMS, Molma Story, Bankai Story, BounceMS, Sticky Story, TuMS, StarburstMS, MyStoryMS, WhyNotMS
◘•Will you take full responsible of what happens to the server? : depends, if it was my fault i fully will if it was someone elses then maybe not so much
◘•Will you accept your punishment if you do not follow the rules? : with out a doubt but ofcourse i'd neve get punished cuz i always follow rules

Reason Question
◘•If you don't under stand a player what will you do? : i will call another gm and if that doesnt work i will tell him to explain it better and if not appoligize and say i dont understand him
◘•If a person speaks a different language, what will you do? that shouldnt really be a problem scince im really fluent in spanish and if it's some other langauge i can just use the google translator
◘•If Someone asked you if they can be a GM what will you do? i would kindly tell them that im not in charge of hiering gms and make it clear that i have an important job to do but that they should write an application if gm applications are up
◘•If some people are fighting are you going to : Mute them, Help Them, Ignore, or I would tell them to stop becuase they are disturbing other players and making the server less enjoyable for other people and tell them to make up and if they dont follow my rules then i will jail them and if i catch them again i will bann them for a day or 2


Posts : 1
FP : 3
Fame : 0
Join date : 2009-07-22

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