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Bamsy's Application

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Bamsy's Application Empty Bamsy's Application

Post by bamsy Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:02 pm

Real Name + IGN: IGN - Bamsy IRL - Abdullahi Ahmed , Nick: or Aba

•Age : 15+ only Age: 16

•Languages Known : English, French - Partially since i stopped learning it , Somali

•Location(Country)/Timezone : Canada - Ottawa, Ontario Timezone - Eastern

Tell us about yourself. ----
I am a 16-year-old; I go to Sir Wilfred Laurier High School, and I am in grade 10; since I started school early. I can also design many sofwares, and using it I can solve many problems in various different situations. I am very good on the computer; I know a lot about the internet and I can solve various problems on the web.

Do you have any previous experience in MapleStory (such as playing in GlobalMS, EuropeMS.etc), being a GM, or Catching Cheaters?

I have experience with GlobalMS for a while now. I was never a GM, but I am looking forward to having the experience of being a GM. Though, I've caught cheaters and I reported them to GMS. This is benefit by keeping the site clean without any cheaters trying to hack into the system.

(Can you see differences between Lag or high stats player (GM's have command to check the player's real stats))? ----

I wouldn’t say see, but I can usually tell when a person has high stats or is lagging. It doesn’t take me a long time to notice that. Like I mentioned before, I’m very good on the internet and I can solve many problems very easily; which includes keeping the site safe for others.

How will you benefit SupaCrewMS? ----

I would benefit SupaCrewMS by helping keep hackers out of SupaCrew. I will be able to help out the new players that do not know what to do (such as if they do not have previous experience with MS). I would give the new players various tips and would answer any problems that they would be having concerning the game. The whole system would be safe and would work perfectly.

Are you willing to learn? ----

Yes I am willing to learn everything there is to learn and I’m looking forward to it. Currently, I’m very ambitious to learn anything that is needed. I am always on the internet trying to learn new things, so I can help out with various problems in real life. I am always eager to learn anything important for me and others.

What makes you stand out from other applicants? ----

Personally, I have a passion to learn and to experience different things in life and I am always working on new things in life to overcome many problems. I am usually free around the house, so in other words, I would be on the computer a lot. That would lead to me being on SupaCrewMS for the needed time or more, since I’m always on the computer; trying to learn new things and SupaCrewMS would be a great experience for me.

How long are you willing to be online per day/week? Don't lie, we may use this against you if you are inactive.
Inactive GM's will be removed, and no further chances to join back. ----

I will be online 5 days out of a whole week. I always love learning new things on the web, which would make me very active and I would always be helping others out. My experiences on the internet would benefit a lot and would always keep the whole site safe and perfectly under control.

If anyone would like to communicate with me; they can email me at:


Posts : 1
FP : 3
Fame : 0
Join date : 2009-06-01

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